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What Can The Rotomix Do For You?

The ROTOMIX is the ideal solution for your organization’s road repair needs. It does this by combining the heater and mixing vessel, traditionally found in stationary hot mix asphalt (HMA) plants, and placing them on an entirely mobile chassis. ROTOMIX machines come in a variety of sizes ranging from 1 to 5 tons, so there is a model ideally suited for what ever level of road repairs your organization takes on. While all that is great, how can you, as a consumer use a ROTOMIX to maximize efficiency and long-term savings?

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Mixing Temperature

It begins with the quality of HMA produced by the ROTOMIX. Stationary plants heat the mix of aggregate and bitumen to a temperature ranging between 290°-320° Fahrenheit. Many competitors claim that their hot boxes or heated HMA transport units keep the mix at these temperatures, but none can maintain the temperature like a ROTOMIX. Using an insulated, dual-wall system and patented cyclonic internal burner system, the ROTOMIX allows users to heat and maintain their HMA at whatever temperature they see fit, although we recommend heating to approximately 300° to form the best seal possible. Ensuring that your HMA is as hot as possible will assist in flash-steaming any residual moisture from the patch site, and create a stronger, more permanent seal than “throw-and-roll” alternatives.

Delivering stationary plant temperatures, to any location allows users to repair roadways in virtually any conditions

HMA Recycling

Another benefit of the ROTOMIX, is that it doubles as both a HMA mixing plant, as well as a HMA recycling plant. Our patented technology ensures that neither the binding material, or aggregates ever come in direct contact with flames. Users can simply place chunks of deconstructed asphalt and fresh binding material into the heated mixing vessel, engage our aggressive agitator, and standby as the mix is softened, restored, and ready for re-use in minutes.


Recycling HMA this way, eliminates the need for detergents which dissolve the bitumen binding material, creating harmful emissions as well as a need for more bitumen. This results in a reduced impact on both the environment, and your organization’s bottom line!

Any unused HMA can be left inside the mixing vessel, to be reheated and reused the following day

On-Site Custom Batch Sizes

Whether your organization chooses to use recycled or fresh materials, the ROTOMIX allows your crew to prepare the exact amount necessary for a day’s work, and complete independence from stationary asphalt plants. Ranging from 1-5 ton machines, the ROTOMIX gives you the freedom to mix partial batches to eliminate waste and paying for unneeded HMA. Additionally, any unused HMA can be left inside the mixing vessel, to be reheated and reused the following day. The ROTMIX eliminates unnecessary trips to stationary asphalt plants, and saves you money and materials!

For more information, reach out to us at 608.636.3627, or submit an inquiry at